Update anti_ddos_challenge.lua

Added Feature : Support for IPv4 and IPv6 Subnet ranges so you can use ranged IP address formats in the IP blacklist and whitelist feature
Added Feature : User-Agent Blacklist
Added Feature : User-Agent Whitelist
Optimization : Removed ngx.md5 from encryption it was pointless since i encrypt data with salted hash sums so putting it into a md5 string first was a waste of time.
Cleanup : Removed unwanted / nulled out ngx.log lines and print lines from code since they are not needed was junk code.
This commit is contained in:
C0nw0nk 2020-03-01 17:25:37 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 86e4c672b1
commit 9fb67fef2b
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 814 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ local JavascriptPuzzleVars = [[parseInt("]] .. os.date("%Y%m%d",os.time()-24*60*
local JavascriptPuzzleVars_answer = os.date("%Y%m%d",os.time()-24*60*60) + os.date("%d%m%Y",os.time()-24*60*60) --lua output of our two random numbers
local JavascriptPuzzleVars_answer = math.floor(JavascriptPuzzleVars_answer+0.5) --fix bug removing the 0. decimal on the end of the figure
local JavascriptPuzzleVars_answer = tostring(JavascriptPuzzleVars_answer) --convert the numeric output to a string
--ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "expected answer"..JavascriptPuzzleVars_answer) --output the answer to the log
X-Auth-Header to be static or Dynamic setting this as dynamic is the best form of security
@ -185,6 +184,8 @@ IP Address Whitelist
Any IP Addresses specified here will be whitelisted to grant direct access to your site bypassing our firewall checks
you can specify IP's like search engine crawler ip addresses here most search engines are smart enough they do not need to be specified,
Major search engines can execute javascript such as Google, Yandex, Bing, Baidu and such so they can solve the auth page puzzle and index your site same as how companies like Cloudflare, Succuri, BitMitigate etc work and your site is still indexed.
Supports IPv4 and IPv6 addresses aswell as subnet ranges
To find all IP ranges of an ASN use : https://www.enjen.net/asn-blocklist/index.php?asn=16509&type=iplist
local ip_whitelist_remote_addr = "auto" --Automatically get the Clients IP address
local ip_whitelist = {
@ -195,11 +196,18 @@ local ip_whitelist = {
IP Address Blacklist
To block access to any abusive IP's that you do not want to ever access your website
Supports IPv4 and IPv6 addresses aswell as subnet ranges
To find all IP ranges of an ASN use : https://www.enjen.net/asn-blocklist/index.php?asn=16276&type=iplist
For the worst Botnet ASN IP's see here : https://www.spamhaus.org/statistics/botnet-asn/ You can add their IP addresses. https://www.abuseat.org/public/asninfections.html
local ip_blacklist_remote_addr = "auto" --Automatically get the Clients IP address
local ip_blacklist = {
--"", --localhost
--"", --localhost
--ASN AS16276 OVH IP ranges Block all OVH Servers
--ASN AS12876 ONLINE S.A.S. IP ranges
@ -287,6 +295,108 @@ local dynamic_javascript_vars_length_static = 10 --how many chars in length shou
local dynamic_javascript_vars_length_start = 1 --for dynamic randomize min value to max this is min value
local dynamic_javascript_vars_length_end = 10 --for dynamic randomize min value to max this is max value
User-Agent Blacklist
If you want to block access to bad bots / specific user-agents you can use this.
1 case insensative
2 case sensative
3 regex case sensative
4 regex lower case insensative
I added some examples of bad bots to block access to.
local user_agent_blacklist_var = ngx.var.http_user_agent
local user_agent_blacklist_table = {
}, --blocks blank / empty user-agents
User-Agent Whitelist
If you want to allow access to specific user-agents use this.
1 case insensative
2 case sensative
3 regex case sensative
4 regex lower case insensative
I added some examples of user-agents you could whitelist mostly search engine crawlers.
local user_agent_whitelist_var = ngx.var.http_user_agent
local user_agent_whitelist_table = {
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)",
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bingbot/2.0; +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm)",
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp)",
"DuckDuckBot/1.0; (+http://duckduckgo.com/duckduckbot.html)",
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.html)",
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +http://yandex.com/bots)",
"facebookexternalhit/1.0 (+http://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php)",
"facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+http://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php)",
"ia_archiver (+http://www.alexa.com/site/help/webmasters; crawler@alexa.com)",
End Configuration
@ -365,15 +475,664 @@ if remote_addr == "tor" then
remote_addr = tor_remote_addr
Start IP range function
local function ip_address_in_range(input_ip, client_connecting_ip)
if string.match(input_ip, "/") then --input ip is a subnet
--do nothing
local ip_type = nil
if string.match(input_ip, "%:") and string.match(client_connecting_ip, "%:") then --if both input and connecting ip are ipv6 addresses
ip_type = 1
elseif string.match(input_ip, "%.") and string.match(client_connecting_ip, "%.") then --if both input and connecting ip are ipv4 addresses
ip_type = 2
if ip_type == nil then
--input and connecting IP one is ipv4 and one is ipv6
if ip_type == 1 then --ipv6
local function explode(string, divide)
if divide == '' then return false end
local pos, arr = 0, {}
--for each divider found
for st, sp in function() return string.find(string, divide, pos, true) end do
table.insert(arr, string.sub(string, pos, st - 1 )) --attach chars left of current divider
pos = sp + 1 --jump past current divider
table.insert(arr, string.sub(string, pos)) -- Attach chars right of last divider
return arr
Input IP
--validate actual ip
local a, b, ip, mask = input_ip:find('([%w:]+)/(%d+)')
--get ip bits
local ipbits = explode(ip, ':')
--now to build an expanded ip
local zeroblock
for k, v in pairs(ipbits) do
--length 0? we're at the :: bit
if v:len() == 0 then
zeroblock = k
--length not 0 but not 4, prepend 0's
elseif v:len() < 4 then
local padding = 4 - v:len()
for i = 1, padding do
ipbits[k] = 0 .. ipbits[k]
if zeroblock and #ipbits < 8 then
--remove zeroblock
ipbits[zeroblock] = '0000'
local padding = 8 - #ipbits
for i = 1, padding do
table.insert(ipbits, zeroblock, '0000')
End Input IP
Client IP
--validate actual ip
local a, b, clientip, mask_client = client_connecting_ip:find('([%w:]+)')
--get ip bits
local ipbits_client = explode(clientip, ':')
--now to build an expanded ip
local zeroblock_client
for k, v in pairs(ipbits_client) do
--length 0? we're at the :: bit
if v:len() == 0 then
zeroblock_client = k
--length not 0 but not 4, prepend 0's
elseif v:len() < 4 then
local padding = 4 - v:len()
for i = 1, padding do
ipbits_client[k] = 0 .. ipbits_client[k]
if zeroblock_client and #ipbits_client < 8 then
--remove zeroblock
ipbits_client[zeroblock_client] = '0000'
local padding = 8 - #ipbits_client
for i = 1, padding do
table.insert(ipbits_client, zeroblock_client, '0000')
End Client IP
local expanded_ip_count = ipbits[1] .. ':' .. ipbits[2] .. ':' .. ipbits[3] .. ':' .. ipbits[4] .. ':' .. ipbits[5] .. ':' .. ipbits[6] .. ':' .. ipbits[7] .. ':' .. ipbits[8]
expanded_ip_count = string.gsub(expanded_ip_count, ":", "")
local client_connecting_ip_count = ipbits_client[1] .. ':' .. ipbits_client[2] .. ':' .. ipbits_client[3] .. ':' .. ipbits_client[4] .. ':' .. ipbits_client[5] .. ':' .. ipbits_client[6] .. ':' .. ipbits_client[7] .. ':' .. ipbits_client[8]
client_connecting_ip_count = string.gsub(client_connecting_ip_count, ":", "")
--generate wildcard from mask
local indent = mask / 4
expanded_ip_count = string.sub(expanded_ip_count, 0, indent)
client_connecting_ip_count = string.sub(client_connecting_ip_count, 0, indent)
local client_connecting_ip_expanded = client_connecting_ip_count:gsub('....','%1:'):gsub(':$','')
local expanded_ip = expanded_ip_count:gsub('....','%1:'):gsub(':$','')
local wildcardbits = {}
for i = 0, indent - 1 do
table.insert(wildcardbits, 'f')
for i = 0, 31 - indent do
table.insert(wildcardbits, '0')
--convert into 8 string array each w/ 4 chars
local count, index, wildcard = 1, 1, {}
for k, v in pairs(wildcardbits) do
if count > 4 then
count = 1
index = index + 1
if not wildcard[index] then wildcard[index] = '' end
wildcard[index] = wildcard[index] .. v
count = count + 1
--loop each letter in each ipbit group
local topip = {}
local bottomip = {}
for k, v in pairs(ipbits) do
local topbit = ''
local bottombit = ''
for i = 1, 4 do
local wild = wildcard[k]:sub(i, i)
local norm = v:sub(i, i)
if wild == 'f' then
topbit = topbit .. norm
bottombit = bottombit .. norm
topbit = topbit .. '0'
bottombit = bottombit .. 'f'
topip[k] = topbit
bottomip[k] = bottombit
--count ips in mask
local ipcount = math.pow(2, 128 - mask)
if expanded_ip == client_connecting_ip_expanded then
--print("ipv6 is in range")
return true
print('indent' .. indent)
print('client_ip numeric : ' .. client_connecting_ip_count )
print('input ip numeric : ' .. expanded_ip_count )
print('client_ip : ' .. client_connecting_ip_expanded )
print('input ip : ' .. expanded_ip )
print( '###### INFO ######' )
print( 'IP in: ' .. ip )
print( '=> Expanded IP: ' .. ipbits[1] .. ':' .. ipbits[2] .. ':' .. ipbits[3] .. ':' .. ipbits[4] .. ':' .. ipbits[5] .. ':' .. ipbits[6] .. ':' .. ipbits[7] .. ':' .. ipbits[8] )
print( 'Mask in: /' .. mask )
print( '=> Mask Wildcard: ' .. wildcard[1] .. ':' .. wildcard[2] .. ':' .. wildcard[3] .. ':' .. wildcard[4] .. ':' .. wildcard[5] .. ':' .. wildcard[6] .. ':' .. wildcard[7] .. ':' .. wildcard[8] )
print( '\n###### BLOCK ######' )
print( '#IP\'s: ' .. ipcount )
print( 'Range Start: ' .. topip[1] .. ':' .. topip[2] .. ':' .. topip[3] .. ':' .. topip[4] .. ':' .. topip[5] .. ':' .. topip[6] .. ':' .. topip[7] .. ':' .. topip[8] )
print( 'Range End: ' .. bottomip[1] .. ':' .. bottomip[2] .. ':' .. bottomip[3] .. ':' .. bottomip[4] .. ':' .. bottomip[5] .. ':' .. bottomip[6] .. ':' .. bottomip[7] .. ':' .. bottomip[8] )
if ip_type == 2 then --ipv4
local a, b, ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4, mask = input_ip:find('(%d+).(%d+).(%d+).(%d+)/(%d+)')
local ip = { tonumber( ip1 ), tonumber( ip2 ), tonumber( ip3 ), tonumber( ip4 ) }
local a, b, client_ip1, client_ip2, client_ip3, client_ip4 = client_connecting_ip:find('(%d+).(%d+).(%d+).(%d+)')
local client_ip = { tonumber( client_ip1 ), tonumber( client_ip2 ), tonumber( client_ip3 ), tonumber( client_ip4 ) }
--list masks => wildcard
local masks = {
[1] = { 127, 255, 255, 255 },
[2] = { 63, 255, 255, 255 },
[3] = { 31, 255, 255, 255 },
[4] = { 15, 255, 255, 255 },
[5] = { 7, 255, 255, 255 },
[6] = { 3, 255, 255, 255 },
[7] = { 1, 255, 255, 255 },
[8] = { 0, 255, 255, 255 },
[9] = { 0, 127, 255, 255 },
[10] = { 0, 63, 255, 255 },
[11] = { 0, 31, 255, 255 },
[12] = { 0, 15, 255, 255 },
[13] = { 0, 7, 255, 255 },
[14] = { 0, 3, 255, 255 },
[15] = { 0, 1, 255, 255 },
[16] = { 0, 0, 255, 255 },
[17] = { 0, 0, 127, 255 },
[18] = { 0, 0, 63, 255 },
[19] = { 0, 0, 31, 255 },
[20] = { 0, 0, 15, 255 },
[21] = { 0, 0, 7, 255 },
[22] = { 0, 0, 3, 255 },
[23] = { 0, 0, 1, 255 },
[24] = { 0, 0, 0, 255 },
[25] = { 0, 0, 0, 127 },
[26] = { 0, 0, 0, 63 },
[27] = { 0, 0, 0, 31 },
[28] = { 0, 0, 0, 15 },
[29] = { 0, 0, 0, 7 },
[30] = { 0, 0, 0, 3 },
[31] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 }
--get wildcard
local wildcard = masks[tonumber( mask )]
--number of ips in mask
local ipcount = math.pow(2, ( 32 - mask ))
--network IP (route/bottom IP)
local bottomip = {}
for k, v in pairs( ip ) do
--wildcard = 0?
if wildcard[k] == 0 then
bottomip[k] = v
elseif wildcard[k] == 255 then
bottomip[k] = 0
local mod = v % (wildcard[k] + 1)
bottomip[k] = v - mod
--use network ip + wildcard to get top ip
local topip = {}
for k, v in pairs(bottomip) do
topip[k] = v + wildcard[k]
--is input ip = network ip?
local isnetworkip = ( ip[1] == bottomip[1] and ip[2] == bottomip[2] and ip[3] == bottomip[3] and ip[4] == bottomip[4] )
local isbroadcastip = ( ip[1] == topip[1] and ip[2] == topip[2] and ip[3] == topip[3] and ip[4] == topip[4] )
local ip1 = tostring(ip1)
local ip2 = tostring(ip2)
local ip3 = tostring(ip3)
local ip4 = tostring(ip4)
local client_ip1 = tostring(client_ip1)
local client_ip2 = tostring(client_ip2)
local client_ip3 = tostring(client_ip3)
local client_ip4 = tostring(client_ip4)
local in_range_low_end1 = tostring(bottomip[1])
local in_range_low_end2 = tostring(bottomip[2])
local in_range_low_end3 = tostring(bottomip[3])
local in_range_low_end4 = tostring(bottomip[4])
local in_range_top_end1 = tostring(topip[1])
local in_range_top_end2 = tostring(topip[2])
local in_range_top_end3 = tostring(topip[3])
local in_range_top_end4 = tostring(topip[4])
if tonumber(mask) == 1 then --127, 255, 255, 255
if client_ip1 >= in_range_low_end1 --in range low end
and client_ip1 <= in_range_top_end1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 2 then --63, 255, 255, 255
if client_ip1 >= in_range_low_end1 --in range low end
and client_ip1 <= in_range_top_end1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 3 then --31, 255, 255, 255
if client_ip1 >= in_range_low_end1 --in range low end
and client_ip1 <= in_range_top_end1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 4 then --15, 255, 255, 255
if client_ip1 >= in_range_low_end1 --in range low end
and client_ip1 <= in_range_top_end1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 5 then --7, 255, 255, 255
if client_ip1 >= in_range_low_end1 --in range low end
and client_ip1 <= in_range_top_end1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 6 then --3, 255, 255, 255
if client_ip1 >= in_range_low_end1 --in range low end
and client_ip1 <= in_range_top_end1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 7 then --1, 255, 255, 255
if client_ip1 >= in_range_low_end1 --in range low end
and client_ip1 <= in_range_top_end1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 8 then --0, 255, 255, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 9 then --0, 127, 255, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 10 then --0, 63, 255, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 11 then --0, 31, 255, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 12 then --0, 15, 255, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 13 then --0, 7, 255, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 14 then --0, 3, 255, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 15 then --0, 1, 255, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and client_ip2 >= in_range_low_end2 --in range low end
and client_ip2 <= in_range_top_end2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 16 then --0, 0, 255, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 17 then --0, 0, 127, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 18 then --0, 0, 63, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 19 then --0, 0, 31, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 20 then --0, 0, 15, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 21 then --0, 0, 7, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 22 then --0, 0, 3, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 23 then --0, 0, 1, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and client_ip3 >= in_range_low_end3 --in range low end
and client_ip3 <= in_range_top_end3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 24 then --0, 0, 0, 255
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and ip3 == client_ip3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 25 then --0, 0, 0, 127
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and ip3 == client_ip3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 26 then --0, 0, 0, 63
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and ip3 == client_ip3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 27 then --0, 0, 0, 31
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and ip3 == client_ip3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 28 then --0, 0, 0, 15
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and ip3 == client_ip3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 29 then --0, 0, 0, 7
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and ip3 == client_ip3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 30 then --0, 0, 0, 3
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and ip3 == client_ip3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
if tonumber(mask) == 31 then --0, 0, 0, 1
if ip1 == client_ip1
and ip2 == client_ip2
and ip3 == client_ip3
and client_ip4 >= in_range_low_end4 --in range low end
and client_ip4 <= in_range_top_end4 then --in range top end
return true
print( '###### INFO ######' )
print( 'IP in: ' .. ip[1] .. '.' .. ip[2] .. '.' .. ip[3] .. '.' .. ip[4] )
print( 'Mask in: /' .. mask )
print( '=> Mask Wildcard: ' .. wildcard[1] .. '.' .. wildcard[2] .. '.' .. wildcard[3] .. '.' .. wildcard[4] )
print( '=> in IP is network-ip: ' .. tostring( isnetworkip ) )
print( '=> in IP is broadcast-ip: ' .. tostring( isbroadcastip ) )
print( '\n###### BLOCK ######' )
print( '#IP\'s: ' .. ipcount )
print( 'Bottom/Network: ' .. bottomip[1] .. '.' .. bottomip[2] .. '.' .. bottomip[3] .. '.' .. bottomip[4] .. '/' .. mask )
print( 'Top/Broadcast: ' .. topip[1] .. '.' .. topip[2] .. '.' .. topip[3] .. '.' .. topip[4] )
print( 'Subnet Range: ' .. bottomip[1] .. '.' .. bottomip[2] .. '.' .. bottomip[3] .. '.' .. bottomip[4] .. ' - ' .. topip[1] .. '.' .. topip[2] .. '.' .. topip[3] .. '.' .. topip[4] )
print( 'Host Range: ' .. bottomip[1] .. '.' .. bottomip[2] .. '.' .. bottomip[3] .. '.' .. bottomip[4] + 1 .. ' - ' .. topip[1] .. '.' .. topip[2] .. '.' .. topip[3] .. '.' .. topip[4] - 1 )
if ip_address_in_range("", ngx.var.remote_addr) == true then --ipv4
print("IPv4 in range")
if ip_address_in_range("2a02:0c68::/29", ngx.var.remote_addr) == true then --ipv6
print("IPv6 in range")
End IP range function
--function to check if ip address is whitelisted to bypass our auth
local function check_ip_whitelist(ip_table)
for key,value in pairs(ip_table) do
if value == ip_whitelist_remote_addr then --if our ip address matches with one in the whitelist
local output = ngx.exit(ngx.OK) --Go to content
return output
elseif ip_address_in_range(value, ip_whitelist_remote_addr) == true then
local output = ngx.exit(ngx.OK) --Go to content
return output
return --no ip was in the whitelist
check_ip_whitelist(ip_whitelist) --run whitelist check function
@ -383,19 +1142,68 @@ local function check_ip_blacklist(ip_table)
if value == ip_blacklist_remote_addr then
local output = ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_FORBIDDEN) --deny user access
return output
elseif ip_address_in_range(value, ip_blacklist_remote_addr) == true then
local output = ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_FORBIDDEN) --deny user access
return output
return --no ip was in blacklist
check_ip_blacklist(ip_blacklist) --run blacklist check function
local function check_user_agent_blacklist(user_agent_table)
for key,value in pairs(user_agent_table) do
if value[2] == 1 then --case insensative
user_agent_blacklist_var = string.lower(user_agent_blacklist_var)
value[1] = string.lower(value[1])
if value[2] == 2 then --case sensative
if value[2] == 3 then --regex case sensative
if value[2] == 4 then --regex lower case insensative
user_agent_blacklist_var = string.lower(user_agent_blacklist_var)
if string.match(user_agent_blacklist_var, value[1])then
local output = ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_FORBIDDEN) --deny user access
return output
return --no user agent was in blacklist
check_user_agent_blacklist(user_agent_blacklist_table) --run user agent blacklist check function
local function check_user_agent_whitelist(user_agent_table)
for key,value in pairs(user_agent_table) do
if value[2] == 1 then --case insensative
user_agent_whitelist_var = string.lower(user_agent_whitelist_var)
value[1] = string.lower(value[1])
if value[2] == 2 then --case sensative
if value[2] == 3 then --regex case sensative
if value[2] == 4 then --regex lower case insensative
user_agent_whitelist_var = string.lower(user_agent_whitelist_var)
if string.match(user_agent_whitelist_var, value[1]) then
local output = ngx.exit(ngx.OK) --Go to content
return output
return --no user agent was in whitelist
check_user_agent_whitelist(user_agent_whitelist_table) --run user agent whitelist check function
--to have better randomization upon encryption
--function to encrypt strings with our secret key / password provided
local function calculate_signature(str)
return ngx.encode_base64(ngx.hmac_sha1(secret, ngx.md5(str)))
return ngx.encode_base64(ngx.hmac_sha1(secret, str))
:gsub("[+/=]", {["+"] = "-", ["/"] = "_", ["="] = ""}) --Replace + with - and replace / with _ and remove =
@ -516,7 +1324,7 @@ local function encrypt_javascript(string1, type, defer_async, num_encrypt, encry
if tonumber(encrypt_type) == 2 then
hexadecimal_x = "\\x" .. sep(hex_output, "%x%x", "\\x") --hex output insert a char every 2 chars %x%x
--TODO: Fix this.
--num_encrypt = "3" --test var
if tonumber(num_encrypt) ~= nil then --If number of times extra to rencrypt is set
@ -629,7 +1437,6 @@ end
if expire_time > 31536000 then --greater than one year
currentdate = os.date("%z",os.time()-24*60*60) --Current time zone
--ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Current date output: "..currentdate)
local scheme = ngx.var.scheme --scheme is HTTP or HTTPS
local host = ngx.var.host --host is website domain name
@ -728,8 +1535,6 @@ local function grant_access()
local cookie_name_encrypted_start_and_end_date_name = "cookie_" .. cookie_name_encrypted_start_and_end_date
local cookie_name_encrypted_start_and_end_date_value = ngx.var[cookie_name_encrypted_start_and_end_date_name] or ""
--ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "cookie name " .. cookie_name .. " | cookie value is "..cookie_value)
if cookie_value ~= answer then --if cookie value not equal to or matching our expected cookie they should be giving us
return --return to refresh the page so it tries again
@ -764,7 +1569,6 @@ local function grant_access()
ngx.status = expected_header_status
--ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "x-auth-answer result | "..req_headers[x_auth_header_name]) --output x-auth-answer to log
if req_headers[x_auth_header_name] == JavascriptPuzzleVars_answer then --if the answer header provided by the browser Javascript matches what our Javascript puzzle answer should be
set_cookie1 = challenge.."="..cookie_value.."; path=/; expires=" .. ngx.cookie_time(currenttime+expire_time) .. "; Max-Age=" .. expire_time .. ";" --apply our uid cookie incase javascript setting this cookies time stamp correctly has issues
set_cookie2 = cookie_name_start_date.."="..currenttime.."; path=/; expires=" .. ngx.cookie_time(currenttime+expire_time) .. "; Max-Age=" .. expire_time .. ";" --start date cookie
@ -785,17 +1589,12 @@ local function grant_access()
--ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "cookie start date | "..cookie_name_start_date_value) --log user provided cookie start date
--ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "cookie end date | "..cookie_name_end_date_value) --log user provided cookie end date
--ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "cookie encrypted combination value | "..cookie_name_encrypted_start_and_end_date_value) --log user provided cookie combined encrypted value
if cookie_name_start_date_value ~= nil and cookie_name_end_date_value ~= nil and cookie_name_encrypted_start_and_end_date_value ~= nil then --if all our cookies exist
local cookie_name_end_date_value_unix = tonumber(cookie_name_end_date_value) or nil --convert our cookie end date provided by the user into a unix time stamp
if cookie_name_end_date_value_unix == nil or cookie_name_end_date_value_unix == "" then --if our cookie end date date in unix does not exist
return --return to refresh the page so it tries again
if cookie_name_end_date_value_unix <= currenttime then --if our cookie end date is less than or equal to the current date meaning the users authentication time expired
--ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "cookie less than current time : " .. cookie_name_end_date_value_unix .. " | " .. currenttime ) --log output the users provided cookie time
return --return to refresh the page so it tries again
if cookie_name_encrypted_start_and_end_date_value ~= calculate_signature(remote_addr .. cookie_name_start_date_value_unix .. cookie_name_end_date_value_unix) then --if users authentication encrypted cookie not equal to or matching our expected cookie they should be giving us
@ -803,7 +1602,7 @@ local function grant_access()
--else all checks passed bypass our firewall and show page content
local output = ngx.exit(ngx.OK) --Go to content
return output