8 Tips
PrincipalSpears edited this page 2021-06-30 03:59:44 +00:00

General Utilities

  • In the Ren'py SDK, there is a button called "check script", it's a simple lint error checker that combs through the code and makes sure everything works. Use it whenever possible to avoid introducing new bugs!
  • Apply one of the following to the beginning of a PR to automatically close an issue with the merging of said PR:
    • fixes #1
    • Fixes #1
    • Closes #1
    • closes #1
    • fixes: #1
    • Fixes: #1
    • Closes: #1
    • closes: #1

    Remember to replace '1' with the number of the issue you want to close!

    Werid, hardly documented renpy stuff we use

      MoveTransition - a way more modifiyable version of "with move" that can be applied to characters.
      updater.Update - there are TWO update commands in Renpy. One gives you cancer, one updates the game. This one, the one with a capital 'U' in "Update", is the one that actually updates. However, it accepts variables like updater.update does. So treat the documentation for updater.update as the valid documentation for updater.Update.

      More on the Updates feature, Renpy doesn't support HTTPS for it. So, all updates must be done over an insecure channel. Fun, but this isn't obviously documented and only can really be figured out by perusing the git page.