Complete lyra game

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Mappening 2022-08-05 19:50:51 -05:00
parent 6ef7becac7
commit 7a473693b8
17 changed files with 831 additions and 1604 deletions

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@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
ATL Text Tags Ren'Py Module
2021 Daniel Westfall <>
I'd appreciate being given credit if you do end up using it! :D Would really
make my day to know I helped some people out!
Really hope this can help the community create some really neat ways to spice
up their dialogue!
Forum Post:
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
# publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
# subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# General Notes:
# I have not tested every transform property and such some may not work as indended
# Most common ones work fine such as pos and offset.
# I can't imagine this being an issue for most of them. However I imagine that
# anchor, xanchor, yanchor, fit and events may not have the indended effect.
# Tranforms used for ATLText must take up time if they repeat
# The following will cause an error:
# transform random_pos(range):
# xpos (random.random() * range)
# ypos (random.random() * range)
# # If there were a pause 0.01 here, it'd be fine. w/o it, renpy flags this as an infinite loop.
# repeat
# Sadly, repeating a section a limited number of times does not work.
# As an example:
# transform text_rotate_3d(time=1.5):
# matrixanchor (0.5,0.5)
# matrixtransform RotateMatrix(0,0,0) * OffsetMatrix(0,0,100)
# linear time matrixtransform RotateMatrix(180,0,180) * OffsetMatrix(0,0,100)
# linear time matrixtransform RotateMatrix(360,0,360) * OffsetMatrix(0,0,100)
# matrixtransform RotateMatrix(0,0,0) * OffsetMatrix(0,0,100)
# repeat 3
# matrixtransform RotateMatrix(0,0,0) * OffsetMatrix(0,0,100)
# linear time matrixtransform RotateMatrix(180,0,180) * OffsetMatrix(0,0,50)
# linear time matrixtransform RotateMatrix(360,0,360) * OffsetMatrix(0,0,0)
# The 'repeat 3' will be skipped and instead just fall through into the next section.
# Thus, repeated sections must be included manually. Which sucks but idk a way
# around it right now.
# Thankfully, infinite repeats work without issue.
# Using matrixtransform and zpos is possible. However, standard text is applied on
# the screens layer. Using:
# camera screens:
# perspective True
# Will enable that layer to use the 3D stage.
# Doing so will prevent the user from being able to interact with any buttons
# on that layer. Therefore, it is advised that if you want to use the 3D stage
# for text transforms, you have it be handled on a layer.
# Below is an example of how to implement this.
# While making this I frequently had the source code up for things
# Relevant bits to look over were:
# defaultstore.rpy for how At() works
# display/ for how various kinda of movement are handled
# display/ for the TransformState, Tranform and ATLTransform classes
# for ATLTransformBase class, which handles a lot of functions for ATLTransform
# display/accelerator.pyx for how Tranform handles rendering.
transform bounce:
ease 0.5 yoffset 10 matrixcolor TintMatrix("#f00")
ease 0.5 yoffset -10 matrixcolor TintMatrix("#00f")
transform bounce_text(yoff):
ease 0.5 ypos yoff
ease 0.5 ypos -yoff
transform rotate_text(speed):
linear speed rotate 180
linear speed rotate 360
rotate 0
transform drop_text(letter, time):
yoffset 0 alpha 1
easeout_circ time yoffset 50 alpha 0
transform fade_in_text(time=0.5, distance=20):
alpha 0 xoffset distance
ease time alpha 1 xoffset 0
# Doing the following will help with using 3D stage transforms on say screen text
# Defining the new layer below the screens layer to allow it to go behind anything on the screens layer
# define config.layers = [ 'master', 'transient', 'threeD_text', 'screens', 'overlay' ]
# Tell the character to use our new layer to display the screen.
# define e_3d = Character("Eileen3D", show_layer="threeD_text")
# And before using the character, be sure to do:
# camera threeD_text:
# perspective True
# And the 3D stage things should work.
# You can also make this layer the default for showing the say screen by doing.
# define config.say_layer = "threeD_text"
# Also remember you can override elements of a character for a line, such as with:
# "Here's a narration line with an override to {atl=-0.1, text_rotate_3d}allow for 3D Text.{/atl}" (show_layer="threeD_text")
transform text_rotate_3d(time=1.5):
matrixanchor (0.5,0.5)
matrixtransform RotateMatrix(0,0,0) * OffsetMatrix(0,0,100)
linear time matrixtransform RotateMatrix(180,0,0) * OffsetMatrix(0,0,100)
linear time matrixtransform RotateMatrix(360,0,0) * OffsetMatrix(0,0,100)
matrixtransform RotateMatrix(0,0,0) * OffsetMatrix(0,0,100)
init python:
class ATLText(renpy.Displayable):
def __init__(self, child, transforms, offset=0, hold=False,**kwargs):
super(ATLText, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.child = At(child, *transforms)
self.offset = offset
self.hold = hold
# If your ATL uses 2+ contains for a character to be used twice, then
# a fixed is made to contain them. During rendering, this can lead
# to a render that is far larger than the actual character's render.
# To combat this, I'm having it check the original Text's render size
# so we can use that instead. This shouldn't have many consequences,
# but if you observe something weird, maybe try removing the below and
# using the child render's size in the render function
child_render = renpy.render(child, 0, 0, 0, 0)
self.width, self.height = child_render.get_size()
# Because of how renpy handles transforms on screens in 7.4.7, we
# have to update the internals of the transform to get the appropriate
# time on it. Otherwise our offset won't have the correct effect.
# If you're using Renpy 7.4.6 or below and this causes issues, you
# can remove this bit.
if config.atl_start_on_show:
renpy.render(self.child, 0, 0, 0, 0)
def render(self, width, height, st, at):
# Apply the time offset.
st = st + self.offset
at = at + self.offset
if self.hold:
st = max(st, 0)
at = max(at, 0)
# Get child render and our output render
child_render = renpy.render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
# self.width, self.height = child_render.get_size()
render = renpy.Render(self.width, self.height)
# Next section is to figure out the offset applied to the blit
# Get_Placement returns a tuple containing:
# xpos, ypos, xanchor, yanchor, xoffset, yoffset, subpixel
child_pos = self.child.state.get_placement()
# Sometimes the output of get_placement has some None values in there.
# So use this to get safe output.
def none_to_float(param):
if param is None:
return 0.0
return param
child_xpos = none_to_float(child_pos[0]) + none_to_float(child_pos[4])
child_ypos = none_to_float(child_pos[1]) + none_to_float(child_pos[5])
render.blit(child_render, (child_xpos,child_ypos))
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
return render
def visit(self):
return [ self.child ]
# Allows one to use one or more ATL transforms to define a movement for text.
# Arguments are separated by ',' and transform parameters are separated by '~'
# The offset and hold arguments are optional.
# Arguments:
# offset: (float/'#'/'-#') The time offset between two characters (in seconds).
# If #, then it use's the user's cps setting as the offset
# If -#, does the above but treats it as negative.
# See Notes for details on negative offsets
# hold: ('#') Tells the displayable to hold the value at 0 if time is negative.
# Is ignored if offset is positive.
# See Notes on negative offsets for more details.
# transform_name: (string) The name of a defined transform.
# Will throw an error if doesn't exist
# param: (float/string/'#') A parameter for the transform. Must be ordered by position.
# All numbers will be interpreted as floats. Strings should evaluate to a displayable, a global variable OR
# optionally, can be left as '#' in order to use the current character as a displayable parameter.
# (No current support for keyword args)
# Notes:
# - Transforms are applied using an At() displayable and are added in the same order.
# - If a negative offset is supplied, we have to be careful of what time
# we supply to the ATL's render function. If we give it a negtive number, it
# will treat that value as it's new 0 seconds. So if we feed it -2 seconds
# to start, then when it reaches -1.8 seconds, it'll treat that as 0.2 seconds.
# This has the effect of syncronizing every letter, which isn't what we want.
# - To combat this, if a negative offset is given I instead push the first
# letter forward in time. That way each subsequent character can approach
# zero with the negative offset.
# So, for example, if we have 6 characters and the offset is to be -0.2 seconds,
# then the 1st character will start at 1.0 seconds, 2nd will start at 0.8,
# and so on until the 6th character starts at 0 seconds.
# - However, this may not always be the ideal setup for all transforms,
# such as fades. An alternative is then to hold the time at 0 until it becomes
# positive. Which is what the 'hold' argument applies.
# Re-using the example from before, every character starts at 0 seconds,
# The 1st character will start to move immediately, but the 2nd character
# will wait 0.2 seconds before starting. The 3rd waits 0.4, 4th waits 0.6,
# until the 6th character waits 1.0 seconds before starting.
# Examples:
# {atl=[offset],[hold],[transform_name]~[param]~...),...}Text{/atl}
# {atl=0.1, rotate_text~0.5, bounce_text~10}Text{/atl}
# {atl=drop_text~#~0.5}Text{/atl}
# {atl=-#,#,fade_in_text~1.0~-100}Text{/atl}
def atl_tag(tag, argument, contents):
new_list = []
# Split the argument into a list of transforms and their parameters
arg_list = argument.split(',')
atl_list = []
time_offset = 0
hold = False
# Check for an offset
# See if we want to use the current cps settings
if arg_list[0] == "#" or arg_list[0] == "-#":
if preferences.text_cps is not 0:
time_offset = (1.0 / preferences.text_cps)
if arg_list[0] == "-#":
time_offset = time_offset * -1.0
# Attempt checking if the first parameter is a float.
time_offset = float(arg_list[0])
time_offset = 0
if arg_list[0] == "#":
hold = True
# Go through the arguments for transforms.
# Returns False if it finds a "#" in the params without text set
# Otherwise returns a list of transforms
def arg_handler(arg_list, text=None):
return_list = []
for arg in arg_list:
if '~' in arg:
txt_param_list = arg.split('~')
arg = txt_param_list[0].strip()
# Remove the name of the transform from the parameters list
param_list = []
for i in range(len(txt_param_list)):
param = None
txt_param_list[i] = txt_param_list[i].strip()
# If a #, then we'll have to do some special stuff later
if txt_param_list[i] == "#":
if text == None: # If we weren't supplied a way to handle this, return
return False
# Attempt a float
param = float(txt_param_list[i])
except ValueError:
param = None
# Attempt a global variable
if param == None and txt_param_list[i] in globals():
param = globals()[txt_param_list[i]]
# Attempt a displayable
elif param == None:
param = renpy.displayable(txt_param_list[i])
arg = arg.strip()
return return_list
# Setup char_index
char_index = 0
count_back = False # Used to know if we count forwards or backwards
# If offset is negative and we aren't holding time at zero, count
# the number of characters so char_index can count down to 0.
if time_offset < 0 and not hold:
for kind,text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
char_index += len(text)
# Handles adding images into text. Remove if you don't want this behavior
elif kind == renpy.TEXT_TAG:
if text.find("image") != -1:
char_index += 1
time_offset = time_offset * -1.0
count_back = True
atl_list = arg_handler(arg_list) # Attempt to get a list of atl functions
# Usual kinetic-text-tag text handling
my_style = DispTextStyle()
for kind,text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
for char in text:
char_text = Text(my_style.apply_style(char))
if atl_list == False:
# If we got a false earlier, then we know we want to call
# one of the transforms with the text character as a parameter
# so we generate the atl_list necessary for each character.
new_atl_list = arg_handler(arg_list, char_text)
char_disp = ATLText(char_text, new_atl_list, char_index * time_offset, hold)
char_disp = ATLText(char_text, atl_list, char_index * time_offset, hold)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, char_disp))
if count_back:
char_index -= 1
char_index += 1
elif kind == renpy.TEXT_TAG:
# Handles adding images into text. Remove if you don't want this behavior
if text.find("image") != -1:
tag, _, value = text.partition("=")
my_img = renpy.displayable(value)
if atl_list == False:
new_atl_list = arg_handler(arg_list, my_img)
img_disp = ATLText(my_img, new_atl_list, char_index * time_offset, hold)
img_disp = ATLText(my_img, atl_list, char_index * time_offset, hold)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, img_disp))
if count_back:
char_index -= 1
char_index += 1
elif not my_style.add_tags(text):
new_list.append((kind, text))
return new_list
config.custom_text_tags["atl"] = atl_tag

game/audio/chill_1.ogg Normal file

Binary file not shown.

game/audio/chill_2.ogg Normal file

Binary file not shown.

game/audio/chill_4.ogg Normal file

Binary file not shown.

game/audio/chill_5.ogg Normal file

Binary file not shown.

game/audio/chill_6.ogg Normal file

Binary file not shown.

game/audio/chill_7.ogg Normal file

Binary file not shown.

game/audio/chill_8.ogg Normal file

Binary file not shown.

game/audio/mkultraed.ogg Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 18 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 56 KiB

game/images/cg15b.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 523 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.7 MiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.6 MiB

View File

@ -1,841 +0,0 @@
Kinetic Text Tags Ren'Py Module
2021 Daniel Westfall <>
I'd appreciate being given credit if you do end up using it! :D Would really
make my day to know I helped some people out!
Really hope this can help the community create some really neat ways to spice
up their dialogue!
Forum Post:
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
# publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
# subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
### UPDATE ###
# With the new ATL text tag, a handful of effects I've made have become redundant.
# Namely the bounce (bt), fadein (fi) and rotation (rotat) effects.
# However, I'll leave them in here for posterity and in case someone would like
# to reuse some of the code for whatever purpose.
# Plus the bounce and fadein may be faster to type for some. And I'd probably
# break some code if I did. Though feel free to remove them if you find them
# to be clutter.
##### Our preference to disable the chaos text #####
default preferences.chaos_on = False # You can change this to be gui.chaos_text or persistent.chaos_text if you'd prefer.
init python:
import random
import math
# This will maintain what styles we want to apply and help us apply them
class DispTextStyle():
# Notes:
# - "" denotes a style tag. Since it's usually {=user_style} and we partition
# it over the '=', it ends up being an empty string
# - If you want to add your own tags to the list, I recommend adding them
# before the ""
# - Self-closing tags should not be added here and should be handled
# in the text tag function.
custom_tags = ["omega", "bt", "fi", "sc", "rotat", "chaos", "move"]
accepted_tags = ["", "b", "s", "u", "i", "color", "alpha", "font", "size", "outlinecolor", "plain", 'cps']
custom_cancel_tags = ["/" + tag for tag in custom_tags]
cancel_tags = ["/" + tag for tag in accepted_tags]
def __init__(self):
self.tags = {}
# For setting style properties. Returns false if it accepted none of the tags
def add_tags(self, char):
tag, _, value = char.partition("=") # Separate the tag and its info
# Add tag to dictionary if we accept it
if tag in self.accepted_tags or tag in self.custom_tags:
if value == "":
self.tags[tag] = True
self.tags[tag] = value
return True
# Remove mark tag as cleared if should no longer apply it
if tag in self.cancel_tags or tag in self.custom_cancel_tags:
tag = tag.replace("/", "")
return True
return False # If we got any other tag, tell the function to let it pass
# Applies all style properties to the string
def apply_style(self, char):
new_string = ""
# Go through and apply all the tags
new_string += self.start_tags()
# Add the character in the middle
new_string += char
# Now close all the tags we opened
new_string += self.end_tags()
return new_string
# Spits out start tags. Primarily used for SwapText
def start_tags(self):
new_string = ""
# Go through the custom tags
for tag in self.custom_tags:
if tag in self.tags:
if self.tags[tag] == True:
new_string += "{" + tag + "}"
new_string += "{" + tag + "=" +self.tags[tag] + "}"
# Go through the standard tags
for tag in self.accepted_tags:
if tag in self.tags:
if self.tags[tag] == True:
new_string += "{" + tag + "}"
new_string += "{" + tag + "=" +self.tags[tag] + "}"
return new_string
# Spits out ending tags. Primarily used for SwapText
def end_tags(self):
new_string = ""
# The only tags we are required to end are any custom text tags.
# And should also end them in the reverse order they were applied.
reversed_cancels = [tag for tag in self.custom_cancel_tags]
for tag in reversed_cancels:
temp = tag.replace("/", "")
if temp in self.tags:
new_string += "{" + tag + "}"
return new_string
# Basic text displacement demonstration
class BounceText(renpy.Displayable):
def __init__(self, child, char_offset, amp=20, period=4.0, speed = 1.0, **kwargs):
# Pass additional properties on to the renpy.Displayable
# constructor.
super(BounceText, self).__init__(**kwargs) # REMEMBER TO RENAME HERE TO YOUR CLASS
# For all of my classes, I assume I am being passed a displayable
# of class Text. If you might not, I recommend going with the default of
# self.child = renpy.displayable(child)
self.child = child
self.amp = amp # The amplitude of the sine wave
self.char_offset = char_offset # The offset into the sine wave
self.period = period # Affects the distance between peaks in the wave.
self.speed = speed # Affects how fast our wave moves as a function of time.
def render(self, width, height, st, at):
# Where the current offset is calculated
# (self.char_offset * -.1) makes it look like the left side is leading
# We use st to allow this to change over time
curr_height = math.sin(self.period*((st * self.speed)+(float(self.char_offset) * -.1))) * float(self.amp)
#### A Transform can be used for several effects ####
# t = Transform(child=self.child, alpha = curr_height)
# Create a render from the child.
# Replace self.child with t to include an alpha or zoom transform
child_render = renpy.render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
self.width, self.height = child_render.get_size()
render = renpy.Render(self.width, self.height)
# This will position our child's render. Replacing our need for an offset Transform
render.subpixel_blit(child_render, (0, curr_height))
renpy.redraw(self, 0) # This lets it know to redraw this indefinitely
return render
def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
return self.child.event(ev, x, y, st)
def visit(self):
return [ self.child ]
# Simple fade in. Helps show some ideas for timing
# May want to modify to allow it to skip to the end if the user clicks.
# Otherwise plays for the full time given.
class FadeInText(renpy.Displayable):
def __init__(self, child, char_num, fade_time, slide_distance=100, **kwargs):
super(FadeInText, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# The child.
self.child = child
self.fade_time = fade_time
self.display_time = .01
self.slide_distance = slide_distance
# This is to get seconds per character on screen for later
# Allowing this effect to scale with the player's desired text speed
cps = 0.0
if preferences.text_cps is not 0: # Avoid division by 0.0
cps = (1.0 / preferences.text_cps)
self.time_offset = char_num * cps # How long to wait before doing things
def render(self, width, height, st, at):
curr_alpha = 0.0
xoff = 5.0
if st > self.time_offset:
adjust_st = st - self.time_offset # Adjust for time delay
curr_alpha = adjust_st/self.fade_time
xoff = max(self.slide_distance - ((adjust_st/self.fade_time) * self.slide_distance), 0)
# Example of using transform to adjust alpha
t = Transform(child=self.child, alpha = curr_alpha)
child_render = renpy.render(t, width, height, st, at)
self.width, self.height = child_render.get_size()
render = renpy.Render(self.width, self.height)
render.subpixel_blit(child_render, (xoff, 0))
# Stop redrawing when the animation is finished.
if st <= self.fade_time + self.time_offset:
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
return render
def visit(self):
return [ self.child ]
# Simple random motion effect
class ScareText(renpy.Displayable):
def __init__(self, child, square=2, **kwargs):
super(ScareText, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.child = child
self.square = square # The size of the square it will wobble within.
# Include more variables if you'd like to have more control over the positioning.
def render(self, width, height, st, at):
# Randomly move the offset of the text's render.
xoff = (random.random()-.5) * float(self.square)
yoff = (random.random()-.5) * float(self.square)
child_render = renpy.render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
self.width, self.height = child_render.get_size()
render = renpy.Render(self.width, self.height)
render.subpixel_blit(child_render, (xoff, yoff))
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
return render
def visit(self):
return [ self.child ]
# Demonstration of changing text styles on the fly
# Could also predefine some styles and swap between those as well!
# Also for this effect in particular, I ---HIGHLY--- advise building in some way to disable it
# as it can be pretty harsh on the eyes.
# An example of how you can make this a preference option is included below.
class ChaosText(renpy.Displayable):
# Some may want to have this list be more of a global variable than baked into the class.
font_list = ["FOT-PopJoyStd-B.otf", "GrenzeGotisch-VariableFont_wght.ttf", "Pacifico-Regular.ttf", "RobotoSlab-ExtraBold.ttf",\
"RobotoSlab-Medium.ttf", "SyneTactile-Regular.ttf", "TurretRoad-Bold.ttf", "TurretRoad-ExtraBold.ttf", "TurretRoad-ExtraLight.ttf", \
"TurretRoad-Light.ttf", "TurretRoad-Medium.ttf", "TurretRoad-Regular.ttf"]
#Just a list so we can pull any hex value randomly
color_choice = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
def __init__(self, orig_text, **kwargs):
super(ChaosText, self).__init__(**kwargs) #REMEMBER TO RENAME HERE TO YOUR CLASS
# Create our child
self.child = renpy.text.text.Text(orig_text)
self.orig_text = orig_text
self.last_style = None # This will be used for renders if the user wants to stop chaos text
def render(self, width, height, st, at):
if not preferences.chaos_on: # This preference is defined near the top of this file. And can be set in the preferences screen (see line 783-787 in screens.rpy)
if self.last_style is not None: # If this is our first render, then should do that first
# Rest of this is just a repeat of what's below.
child_render = renpy.render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
self.width, self.height = child_render.get_size()
render = renpy.Render(self.width, self.height)
render.subpixel_blit(child_render, (0, 0))
return render
# We'll create a new text style for this render
new_style = DispTextStyle()
new_color = ""
# Create a random color using hex values
for i in range(0,6):
new_color += renpy.random.choice(self.color_choice)
new_color = "#" + new_color
new_style.add_tags("color=" + str(new_color))
# Random size
rand_size = renpy.random.randint(0,50)
# Random font
rand_font = renpy.random.choice(self.font_list)
#Apply our style to our Text child
# Create a render from the child.
child_render = renpy.render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
self.width, self.height = child_render.get_size()
render = renpy.Render(self.width, self.height)
render.subpixel_blit(child_render, (0, 0))
self.last_style = new_style # Save the current style for if the user wishes to turn off the Chaos tag
return render
def visit(self):
return [ self.child ]
# Demonstration of using a Transform on the text and applying rotation
class RotateText(renpy.Displayable):
def __init__(self, child, speed=300, **kwargs):
super(RotateText, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.child = child
self.speed = speed # The speed of our rotation
def render(self, width, height, st, at):
theta = math.radians(st * float(self.speed))
t = Transform(child=self.child, rotate=st*float(self.speed))
child_render = renpy.render(t, width, height/2, st, at)
self.width, self.height = child_render.get_size()
render = renpy.Render(self.width, self.height/2)
# Problem with using a Transform though is that each character will be padded
# Because the rotation may make it wider or taller depending on the character and angle.
# How best to tackle this though may vary depending on how you'd like to implement it.
render.blit(child_render, (0,0))
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
return render
def visit(self):
return [ self.child ]
# The following is an alternative version of rotate that allows for rotation in the x and y axis
# Functionally equivalent to using a Transform and flipping it using ATL xzoom and yzoom constrained between 0 and 1
# Using a Transform might be better in some cases, but I'll leave this here for anyone who'd prefer to work with angles
# for this kind of effect.
# Other matrix functions of note include
# renpy.display.matrix.perspective(w,h,n,p,f)
# renpy.display.matrix.screen_projection(w,h) < Renpy space to OpenGL viewport
# renpy.display.matrix.texture_projection(w,h) < Renpy space to OpenGL render-to-texture
# You can look up more about them in the renpy\display\matrix_functions.pyx file
# Credit to the FancyText module creator yukinogatari for the idea.
# FancyText module can be found at
class RotateText(renpy.Displayable):
def __init__(self, child, speed=100, **kwargs):
super(RotateText, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.child = child
self.speed = speed # The speed of our rotation
def render(self, width, height, st, at):
angle = st * self.speed
# Which parameter you put the 'angle' into will affect which axis the render rotates on.
# Try moving it around and seeing what happens.
rotation_m = renpy.display.matrix.rotate(angle,0,0)
child_render = renpy.render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
c_width, c_height = child_render.get_size()
# This applies the rotation to our child's render.
child_render.reverse = rotation_m
self.width, self.height = child_render.get_size()
render = renpy.Render(self.width, self.height)
# Math nerds might realize I'm not offsetting the transform.
# While renpy.display.matrix.offset(x,y,z) is a thing, it won't change much
# The real place to apply the offset is in your final blit. Which is what we'll calculate here
# Rotations on x axis
theta2 = math.radians(st * float(self.speed) + 180)
c = math.cos(theta2) + 1.0
xoff = 0
yoff = c * self.height
if yoff > self.height:
yoff = self.height
render.subpixel_blit(child_render, (xoff,yoff))
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
return render
def visit(self):
return [ self.child ]
# Simple text swap effect
# It can be prone to having letters out of place when part of a larger string
# I recommended you pass it the entire line to avoid this issue.
# Can also just define every line it'll need in advance and just tell it which
# ones to swap to to be extra sneaky. Then the text won't be in your script at all!
class SwapText(renpy.Displayable):
def __init__(self, start_tags, text1, text2, end_tags, swap_time, **kwargs):
super(SwapText, self).__init__(**kwargs)
#Style tags we'll need as well as the text
self.start_tags = start_tags
self.text1 = text1
self.text2 = text2
self.end_tags = end_tags
# How long between swapping text
self.s_time = swap_time
# An internal timer to keep track of when to swap
self.timer = 0.0
# Determines if we swap to text1 or text2 next
self.swap_to_1 = False
self.child = Text(start_tags + text1 + end_tags) = 0.0
def render(self, width, height, st, at):
delta = st - # How long since last update
self.timer += delta
if self.timer > self.s_time:
# If time to swap, determine which one to swap to.
if self.swap_to_1:
self.child.set_text(self.start_tags + self.text1 + self.end_tags)
self.swap_to_1 = False
self.timer = 0.0
self.child.set_text(self.start_tags + self.text2 + self.end_tags)
self.swap_to_1 = True
self.timer = 0.0
child_render = renpy.render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
self.width, self.height = child_render.get_size()
render = renpy.Render(self.width, self.height)
render.subpixel_blit(child_render, (0,0))
renpy.redraw(self, 0) = st # So we can check how long since last update
return render
def visit(self):
return [ self.child ]
# An example of text that moves and reacts to the mouse.
# Sidenote: The position the mouse is distorted if the screen is resized.
# I did try to find a way to counteract this, but didn't have much luck.
# Seems to only happen on the x component though. No clue why.
# If anyone can pinpoint the issue, please let me know and I'll be happy to fix it.
class MoveText(renpy.Displayable):
def __init__(self, child, **kwargs):
super(MoveText, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.affect_distance = 150
self.child = child
self.mouse_pos = (1000,1000)
self.pos = (0,0)
def render(self, width, height, st, at):
child_render = renpy.render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
self.width, self.height = child_render.get_size()
render = renpy.Render(self.width, self.height)
# x and y we get in the event function are relative to the top left corner of the displayable initially.
# So we'll want to update it to reflect the actual position of our text
trans_x = self.mouse_pos[0] - self.pos[0] - (self.width / 2)
trans_y = self.mouse_pos[1] - self.pos[1] - (self.height / 2)
vl = math.hypot(trans_x,trans_y)
xpos, ypos = self.pos
# Can skip calculation if vector length is further than our specified effect distance
if vl < self.affect_distance:
distance = 3.0 * (self.affect_distance-vl) / self.affect_distance
xpos -= distance * trans_x / vl
ypos -= distance * trans_y / vl
self.pos = (xpos, ypos) # Preserve the new pos
# Use our child's position as determined by the event function
render.subpixel_blit(child_render, (xpos, ypos))
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
return render
def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
self.mouse_pos = (x,y)
# Pass the event to our child.
return self.child.event(ev, x, y, st)
def visit(self):
return [ self.child ]
# Letters move in a sine wave.
# Arguments are separated by dashes.
# Arguments:
# 'a': (int) The amplitude (height) of the text's sine wave motion. How high and low it'll go from it's default position in pixels.
# 'p': (float) The period of the wave. Distance between peaks in the wave.
# 's': (float) The speed of the wave. How fast it moves with time.
# Example: {bt=[height]}Text{/bt}
# Example: {bt=h5-p2.0-s0.5}Text{/bt}
# If a lone number is given, it is treated as the amplitude only to ensure backwards compatibility
# Example: {bt=10}Text{/bt}
def bounce_tag(tag, argument, contents):
new_list = [ ] # The list we will be appending our displayables into
amp, period, speed = 20, 4.0, 1.0
if argument == "": # If the argument received is blank, insert a default value
amp = 20
argument = argument.split('-')
if len(argument) == 1 and argument[0][0].isdigit(): # Default behavior to ensure backward compatibility
amp = int(argument[0])
for arg in argument:
if arg[0] == 'a':
amp = int(arg[1:])
elif arg[0] == 'p':
period = float(arg[1:])
elif arg[0] == 's':
speed = float(arg[1:])
char_offset = 0 # Since we want our text to move in a wave,
# we want to let each character know where it is in the wave.
# So they move in harmony. Otherwise they rise and fall all together.
my_style = DispTextStyle() # This will keep track of what tags and styling to add to each letter
for kind,text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
for char in text: # Extract every character from the string
char_text = Text(my_style.apply_style(char)) # Create a Text displayable with our styles applied
char_disp = BounceText(char_text, char_offset, amp=amp, period=period, speed=speed) # Put the Text into the Wrapper
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, char_disp)) # Add it back in as a displayable
char_offset += 1
elif kind == renpy.TEXT_TAG:
if text.find("image") != -1:
tag, _, value = text.partition("=")
my_img = renpy.displayable(value)
img_disp = BounceText(my_img, char_offset, amp=amp, period=period, speed=speed)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, img_disp))
char_offset += 1
elif not my_style.add_tags(text):
new_list.append((kind, text))
# I honestly never got around to testing this. Not often the text
# already has a displayable in it. Let me know if it breaks though.
elif kind == renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE:
char_disp = BounceText(text, char_offset, amp=amp, period=period, speed=speed)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, char_disp))
char_offset += 1
else: # Don't touch any other type of content
return new_list
# Letters will start off to the right & invisible. And will then move left while increasing their opacity. Good for meditation and calm text.
# offset: (int) Offset within the line. Needed to help time start of fade-in with other slow text characters.
# time: (float) How long in seconds the animation lasts.
# distance: (int) How many pixels the fade in occurs across
# Example: {fi=[offset]-[time]-[distance]}Text{/fi}
def fade_in_tag(tag, argument, contents):
new_list = [ ]
my_index, fade_time, slide_distance = 0, 5.0, 100
if argument != "":
argument = argument.split('-')
if len(argument) > 0:
my_index = int(argument[0])
if len(argument) > 1:
fade_time = float(argument[1])
if len(argument) > 2:
slide_distance = int(argument[2])
my_style = DispTextStyle()
for kind,text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
for char in text:
if char == ' ':
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_TEXT, ' ')) # Skips blank space since looks weird counting it
char_text = Text(my_style.apply_style(char))
char_disp = FadeInText(char_text, my_index, fade_time, slide_distance)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, char_disp))
my_index += 1
elif kind == renpy.TEXT_TAG:
if text.find("image") != -1:
tag, _, value = text.partition("=")
my_img = renpy.displayable(value)
img_disp = FadeInText(my_img, my_index, fade_time, slide_distance)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, img_disp))
my_index += 1
elif not my_style.add_tags(text):
new_list.append((kind, text))
return new_list
# Letters change position every frame randomly. Good for very angry or quivering dialogue.
# range: (int) Letters are confined to a square around their default location. Range determines length of the sides of that square.
# Higher values will make it very chaotic while smaller values will make it quite minimal.
# Example: {sc=[range]}Text{/sc}
def scare_tag(tag, argument, contents):
new_list = [ ]
if argument == "":
argument = 5
my_style = DispTextStyle()
for kind,text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
for char in text:
char_text = Text(my_style.apply_style(char))
char_disp = ScareText(char_text, argument)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, char_disp))
elif kind == renpy.TEXT_TAG:
if text.find("image") != -1:
tag, _, value = text.partition("=")
my_img = renpy.displayable(value)
img_disp = ScareText(my_img, argument)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, img_disp))
elif not my_style.add_tags(text):
new_list.append((kind, text))
return new_list
# Letters change their font, color and size every frame.
# Example: {chaos}Text{/chaos}
# Honestly more a demonstration of what can be done than useful in it's own right.
# If you create tags this chaotic, please include a way to turn it off for people with epilepsy.
def chaos_tag(tag, argument, contents):
new_list = [ ]
my_style = DispTextStyle()
for kind,text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
for char in text:
char_disp = ChaosText(my_style.apply_style(char))
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, char_disp))
elif kind == renpy.TEXT_TAG:
if not my_style.add_tags(text):
new_list.append((kind, text))
return new_list
# Letters rotate in place. Good for stylized intros or UI
# Speed: (int) How fast the rotation will be.
# Example: {rotat=[speed]}Text{/rotat}
def rotate_tag(tag, argument, contents):
new_list = [ ]
# Argument here will reprsent the desired speed of the rotation.
if argument == "":
argument = 400
argument = int(argument)
my_style = DispTextStyle()
for kind,text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
for char in text:
char_text = Text(my_style.apply_style(char))
char_disp = RotateText(char_text, argument)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, char_disp))
elif kind == renpy.TEXT_TAG:
if text.find("image") != -1:
tag, _, value = text.partition("=")
my_img = renpy.displayable(value)
img_disp = RotateText(my_img, argument)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, img_disp))
elif not my_style.add_tags(text):
new_list.append((kind, text))
return new_list
# Causes letters to change between two strings every couple of seconds.
# text1: (String) First set of characters to display. Should be equal to the length of the characters we're replacing
# text2: (String) Second set of characters to display. Should be equal to the length of text1
# swap_time: (int) Length of time between character swap
# Arguments are separated by '@'. Length of strings should not exceed length of text they are replacing.
# Example: {swap=Text@Four@0.5}Text{}
# This is a pretty static way of doing it mostly made to demonstrate the concept.
# Included for others to build upon for their needs.
def swap_tag(tag, argument, contents):
new_list = [ ]
if argument == "":
return contents
text1, _, argument = argument.partition("@")
text2, _, argument = argument.partition("@")
if len(text1) != len(text2):
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_TEXT, "ERROR!"))
swap_time = float(argument)
my_style = DispTextStyle()
for kind,text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
# This one replaces the whole text rather than extracting over letters
# That way it can take up this whole block with its own Text displayable
char_disp = SwapText(my_style.start_tags(), text1, text2, my_style.end_tags(), swap_time)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, char_disp))
elif kind == renpy.TEXT_TAG:
if not my_style.add_tags(text):
new_list.append((kind, text))
return new_list
# Makes it so the text within moves away from the mouse. More example of what can be done than useful
# Example: {move}Text{/move}
def move_tag(tag, argument, contents):
new_list = [ ]
my_style = DispTextStyle()
for kind,text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
for char in text:
char_text = Text(my_style.apply_style(char))
char_disp = MoveText(char_text)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, char_disp))
elif kind == renpy.TEXT_TAG:
if text.find("image") != -1:
tag, _, value = text.partition("=")
my_img = renpy.displayable(value)
img_disp = MoveText(my_img)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, img_disp))
elif not my_style.add_tags(text):
new_list.append((kind, text))
return new_list
# Some text effects won't allow for a paragraph break if applied to a whole line
# Which can cause your text to just continue straight off the screen.
# To amend this, you can insert the {para} tag.
# This will let the Text displayable holding us know when to wrap.
# Can also use \n in most cases. But leaving this for people who may already be using it
# or for cases where \n doesn't work.
def paragraph_tag(tag, argument):
return [(renpy.TEXT_PARAGRAPH, "")]
# This tag is made to automatically wrap several Classes inside one another
# This is to reduce strain on the render pipeline and memory from nested classes
# Notes:
# GradientText and GlitchText are omitted because they were made after the 1.0 release.
# SwapText and MoveText are omitted for possible issues.
# SwapText because is not included in this due to it replacing whole sections rather than
# individual letters. Would be better to embed an Omega inside a SwapText.
# MoveText because of potential issues of having things like BounceText affect
# affecting the position of the letter visually.
# Would be better to have an event call attached to one of those so it can account
# for the transformations of other tags
# Argument Notes (all tag args accept same arguments as original tag):
# BT: BounceText
# SC: ScareText
# FI: FadeInText
# ROT: RotateText
# CH: ChaosText
# All tag arguments are seperated by @.
# Example: {omega=BT=[bt_arg]@SC=[sc_arg]@FI=[fi_arg1]-[fi_arg2]@ROT=[rot_arg]@CH}Text{/omega}
def omega_tag(tag, argument, contents):
new_list = [ ]
if argument == "": # This tag must have arguments
return contents
# Variable for each of our tags. None if it takes one argument.
# Boolean if 0 or many arguments.
bt_tag = None
sc_tag = None
fi_tag = False
rot_tag = None
chao_tag = False
fi_arg_1 = None
fi_arg_2 = None
args = [ ]
arg_count = argument.count('@') # Count how many partitions we will need to make
for x in range(arg_count): # Extract all the tags and arguments with them
new_arg, _, argument = argument.partition('@')
# Determine what tags we'll need to apply and the arguments associated with them
for arg in args:
tag, _, value = arg.partition('=')
if tag == "BT":
if value is not "":
bt_tag = value
bt_tag = 10
elif tag == "SC":
if value is not "":
bt_tag = value
bt_tag = 5
# Multiargument tag example. Be sure to use different partitions for these
elif tag == "FI":
fi_tag = True
str1, _, str2 = value.partition('-')
fi_arg_1 = int(str1)
fi_arg_2 = float(str2)
elif tag == "ROT":
rot_tag = value
elif tag == "CH":
chao_tag = True
my_style = DispTextStyle()
my_index = 0 # Some Classes will need an index
for kind,text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
for char in text:
# Apply base Wrappers to letter
if chao_tag:
char_disp = ChaosText(my_style.apply_style(char))
char_disp = Text(my_style.apply_style(char))
# Apply further Wraps
# Be sure to consider if the order will be important to you
if bt_tag is not None:
char_disp = BounceText(char_disp, my_index, bt_tag)
if sc_tag is not None:
char_disp = ScareText(char_disp, sc_tag)
if fi_tag:
char_disp = FadeInText(char_disp, my_index + fi_arg_1, fi_arg_2)
if rot_tag is not None:
char_disp = RotateText(char_disp, rot_tag)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, char_disp))
elif kind == renpy.TEXT_TAG:
if not my_style.add_tags(text):
new_list.append((kind, text))
return new_list
# Template tag function to copy off of.
def TEMPLATE_tag(tag, argument, contents):
new_list = [ ]
if argument == "":
argument = 5
my_style = DispTextStyle()
for kind,text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
for char in text:
char_text = Text(my_style.apply_style(char))
char_disp = TEMPLATEText(char_text, argument)
new_list.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, char_disp))
elif kind == renpy.TEXT_TAG:
if not my_style.add_tags(text):
new_list.append((kind, text))
return new_list
# Define our new text tags
config.custom_text_tags["bt"] = bounce_tag
config.custom_text_tags["fi"] = fade_in_tag
config.custom_text_tags["sc"] = scare_tag
config.custom_text_tags["rotat"] = rotate_tag
config.custom_text_tags["chaos"] = chaos_tag
config.custom_text_tags["swap"] = swap_tag
config.custom_text_tags["move"] = move_tag
config.custom_text_tags["omega"] = omega_tag
config.self_closing_custom_text_tags["para"] = paragraph_tag
# Template tag function
#config.custom_text_tags[""] = _tag

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
## The _() surrounding the string marks it as eligible for translation.
define = _("sexo_space_lady_game")
define = _("A Star in her Eyes")
## Determines if the title given above is shown on the main menu screen. Set
@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ define config.version = "1.0"
## triple-quotes, and leave a blank line between paragraphs.
define gui.about = _p("""
A game made by Cavemanon, an upcoming indie game team comprised of many members from around the world. Currently developing {color=#f1a5d8}Exit 665{/color}, {color=#f1a5d8}I Wani Hug that Gator!{/color}, and potentially more!
You can find out about most recent updates and developments at our {a=}twitter{/a}.
@ -37,7 +41,7 @@ define gui.about = _p("""
## distribution. This must be ASCII-only, and must not contain spaces, colons,
## or semicolons.
define = "sexo_space_lady_game"
define = "A_Star_in_her_Eyes"
## Sounds and music ############################################################
@ -48,7 +52,7 @@ define = "sexo_space_lady_game"
define config.has_sound = True
define config.has_music = True
define config.has_voice = True
define config.has_voice = False
## To allow the user to play a test sound on the sound or voice channel,
@ -120,7 +124,7 @@ define config.window_hide_transition = Dissolve(.2)
## Controls the default text speed. The default, 0, is infinite, while any other
## number is the number of characters per second to type out.
default preferences.text_cps = 0
default preferences.text_cps = 50
## The default auto-forward delay. Larger numbers lead to longer waits, with 0

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@ -1 +0,0 @@