
262 lines
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Raw Normal View History

init python:
2021-07-03 10:42:12 +00:00
PREFERRED_WIDTH = 432 #px (1920 * 0.225)
PREFERRED_HEIGHT = 243 #px (1080 * 0.225)
PREFERRED_ASPECT_RATIO = 16.0/9.0 # 1.7777..
DEFAULT_WIDTH_SCALE_RATIO = round(float(PREFERRED_WIDTH) / float(1920), 4)
DEFAULT_HEIGHT_SCALE_RATIO = round(float(PREFERRED_HEIGHT) / float(1080), 4)
2021-07-03 10:42:12 +00:00
NOT_UNLOCKED_COVER = im.FactorScale("gui/gallery/unlocked_cg_button_cover.png", DEFAULT_WIDTH_SCALE_RATIO, DEFAULT_HEIGHT_SCALE_RATIO)
2021-07-18 03:16:11 +00:00
ACCEPTED_EXTENSIONS = ["jpg", "webm"]
#CG doesn't really make sense
{ 'path': "images/cgs/", 'name': "CG", 'eval': None },
2021-07-18 03:16:11 +00:00
{ 'path': "images/animations/", 'name': "Animations", 'eval': None },
{ 'path': "images/NotForKids!/", 'name': "Lewd",
2021-07-18 02:10:58 +00:00
'eval': 'persistent.lewd == True'
#path: folder, name: shows up in gallery, eval: runs eval() on string
Data structure that holds the data for each cg and button
item is name, fn is fullpath
ext is the file extension
{ item: string; fn: string, cg: Displayable; ext: string }[]
(reference in this init python, actually used in screens)
gallery_items = []
# key dict pair, cg <-> cgs' galleryitems []
gallery_dic = {} #
for cp in CG_PATHS:
gallery_dic[cp['name']] = [] #
# Make a scaled cg button
# (cg: string; ext: string; w: float; h: float
2021-07-11 05:10:52 +00:00
def cg(fname, ext, w, h):
wh = {'x': w, 'y': h}
2021-07-17 03:32:30 +00:00
scale = box_ratio(wh)
return im.FactorScale(fname, scale, scale, False)
2021-07-11 03:02:41 +00:00
# Reads /images/cgs dir for all image files
# Populates galleryItems
2021-07-03 12:33:50 +00:00
# () -> None
def loadGallery():
2021-07-11 00:37:33 +00:00
list_img = renpy.list_images()
# Add each image to the gallery
2021-07-11 00:37:33 +00:00
for str in list_img:
for cp in CG_PATHS:
2021-07-18 03:16:11 +00:00
path = cp['path']
_str = path+str+"."+ext
if renpy.loadable(_str): #brute force
image = renpy.image_size(Image(_str))
2021-07-18 03:16:11 +00:00
# Create an object in g:Gallery, add to galleryItems
# (imageName: string; ext: string; w: float; h: float) -> None
gallery_dic[cp['name']] += [{
"item": str,
"fn": _str,
"cg": cg(_str, ext, image[0], image[1]),
"ext": ext
2021-07-11 03:02:41 +00:00
2021-06-14 19:27:30 +00:00
# (xy) -> { x: float; y: float }
# Biggest value gets % diff to preferred_ variable
def box_ratio(xy):
cent = 0
if xy['x'] > xy['y']:
cent = PREFERRED_WIDTH * 100.0 / float(xy['x'])
cent = PREFERRED_HEIGHT * 100.0 / float(xy['y'])
2021-07-11 03:02:41 +00:00
cent /= 100.0
2021-07-17 03:32:30 +00:00
return cent
2021-07-03 10:42:12 +00:00
# Call to loading the gallery
2021-06-14 19:27:30 +00:00
2021-07-18 02:10:58 +00:00
#for zooming in and out
zoom_arr = []
for x in range(1,5):
_zoom = 1.0
_zoom *= 1+(x*0.25)
for y in range(9,1,-1):
_zoom = 1.0
_zoom *= (y*0.125)
'Recursive' / Loopable / Roundtrip Screens
_0 <-> _1
2021-07-18 02:10:58 +00:00
#There is renpy.restart_interaction but since I wrote all this, it's too late
#screen cg_gallery(flag, __yoffset = 0, origin = 'CG'):
screen cg_gallery_0(__yoffset = 0, origin = 'CG'):
tag menu
use cg_gallery('1', __yoffset, origin)
screen cg_gallery_1( __yoffset = 0, origin = 'CG'):
tag menu
use cg_gallery('0', __yoffset, origin)
2021-07-18 02:10:58 +00:00
#screen view_image(fn, _origin, zoom=1):
screen view_image_a(fn, _origin, zoom):
tag menu
use view_image(fn, _origin, zoom, 'b')
screen view_image_b(fn, _origin, zoom):
tag menu
use view_image(fn, _origin, zoom, 'a')
2021-07-18 03:33:08 +00:00
CG Gallery screen - A screen that shows the image gallery
Basically Gallery Object has terrible defaults, so I just wrote my own stuff
screen cg_gallery(flag, __yoffset = 0, origin = 'CG'):
2021-07-17 04:21:24 +00:00
style_prefix "game_menu"
if main_menu:
key "game_menu" action ShowMenu("main_menu")
add gui.main_menu_background
add gui.game_menu_background
2021-07-17 04:21:24 +00:00
tag menu
2021-07-11 03:02:41 +00:00
empty_spaces = gallery_rows = item_counter = 0
gallery_items = gallery_dic[origin]
items = len(gallery_items)
gallery_rows = (items / GALLERY_COLS) + 1
empty_spaces = GALLERY_COLS - (items % GALLERY_COLS)
2021-07-17 04:21:24 +00:00
style "game_menu_outer_frame"
2021-07-17 04:21:24 +00:00
yinitial __yoffset
scrollbars "vertical"
mousewheel True
draggable True
pagekeys True
2021-07-18 03:33:08 +00:00
if renpy.variant("small"): #TODO: slightly overspills
xpos 490
xpos 440
2021-07-17 04:21:24 +00:00
grid GALLERY_COLS gallery_rows:
for item in gallery_items:
# Should properly fix with actual margin difference but good
# enough or the actual position
item_counter += 1
yoffset = item_counter / 3 * PREFERRED_HEIGHT * 1.15
yoffset = int( yoffset + (PREFERRED_HEIGHT * 1.15))
2021-07-17 04:21:24 +00:00
use flag_button(item, yoffset, origin)
2021-07-17 04:21:24 +00:00
for i in range(0, empty_spaces):
2021-07-17 04:21:24 +00:00
null height 20
style_prefix "navigation"
xpos gui.notMM_navigation_xpos
yalign 0.5
spacing gui.navigation_spacing
for cp in CG_PATHS:
2021-07-18 02:10:58 +00:00
if cp['name'] == origin:
textbutton _(cp['name']) text_color gui.selected_color
2021-07-18 02:10:58 +00:00
if cp['eval'] is None:
textbutton _(cp['name']) action ShowMenu('cg_gallery_'+flag, 0, cp['name'])
elif eval(cp['eval']):
textbutton _(cp['name']) action ShowMenu('cg_gallery_'+flag, 0, cp['name'])
textbutton _(cp['name'])
textbutton _("Return") action ShowMenu('main_menu')
if _in_replay:
textbutton _("End Replay") action EndReplay(confirm=True)
elif not main_menu:
textbutton _("Main Menu") action MainMenu()
2021-07-17 04:21:24 +00:00
label "Gallery"
if/else flow control & extra parameters for Buttons
screen flag_button(item, yoffset, origin):
flag = renpy.seen_image(item['item'])
2021-07-18 02:10:58 +00:00
if flag:
2021-07-18 02:10:58 +00:00
action ShowMenu('view_image_a', item['fn'], ShowMenu('cg_gallery_0', yoffset, origin), 0.0)
xcenter 0.5 ycenter 0.5
text item["item"] xalign 0.5
add item["cg"] fit 'contain' xcenter 0.5 ycenter 0.5 size (PREFERRED_WIDTH, PREFERRED_HEIGHT)
2021-07-17 04:21:24 +00:00
xcenter 0.5 ycenter 0.5
text "? ? ?" xalign 0.5
2021-07-18 03:33:08 +00:00
view_image, Loads the image in fullscreen with viewport control.
2021-07-18 02:10:58 +00:00
screen view_image(fn, _origin, zoom=0.0, flag='a'):
if zoom == 0.0:
zoom = zoom_arr.index(1.0)
zoom_a = zoom+1
zoom_a_f = ShowMenu('view_image_'+flag, fn, _origin, zoom_a)
zoom_b = zoom-1
zoom_b_f = ShowMenu('view_image_'+flag, fn, _origin, zoom_b)
tag menu
key "game_menu" action _origin
2021-07-18 02:10:58 +00:00
# mousewheel & insert+delete
if zoom_a < len(zoom_arr):
key 'mousedown_4' action zoom_a_f
key 'K_INSERT' action zoom_a_f
if zoom_b > 0:
key 'mousedown_5' action zoom_b_f
key 'K_DELETE' action zoom_b_f
viewport id "vie":
2021-07-18 03:33:08 +00:00
#Ren'Py isn't smart enough to not edgescroll while pressed,
#so we'll have to disable this for mobile
if renpy.variant("pc"):
edgescroll (300, 1800)
draggable True
arrowkeys True
pagekeys True
2021-07-18 02:10:58 +00:00
add fn zoom zoom_arr[zoom] anchor (0.5, 0.5)
2021-07-18 03:33:08 +00:00
#Reuse quick buttons, Ren'Py handles touch input lazy, it doesn't have
#double finger pinch zoom, it translates taps as mouse events - have to use
if renpy.variant("small"):
style_prefix "quick"
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.975
use quick_buttons("gui/button/uioptionbuttons/template_idle.png", \
[ "+", zoom_a_f ],
[ "-", zoom_b_f ]
] )